Dissertation Methodology
Dissertation methodology and thesis methodology are enough to constitute an entire thesis or dissertation. Everyone who has written a thesis or dissertation will prescribe a different method. Not everything works for every topic! A thesis or dissertation is not something you can sit down and write in one night, beginning to end. If you do write it in one night, get ready to repeat the course! An effective thesis or effective dissertation takes weeks, months, sometimes even years of planning. And that's before you even start writing!
You need to do your research before anything else. Know the topic. Live and breathe the topic. Your research will usually dictate the best dissertation methodology or thesis methodology to use. Every topic is different, and every writer is different. Listening to a friend say “don't wait until the last week like I did” is good advice, but some people just love to procrastinate. If you haven't done all the necessary planning then it could be all over…
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